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Forum Posts

Jesús Alberti Toscano Flores
Sep 25, 2021
In Forum
When extracting audio files from expressions in PVP (.wem) The extraction process is generated, however the output folder is still empty. Researching on the internet, I found those same files that it does not allow me to extract. It is only possible to extract .wem files with code name (numbers) and censored, ending with "bleep" @Arwglacy Please, I need help to solve this problem.
.web file does not extract content media
Jesús Alberti Toscano Flores
Aug 07, 2021
In Forum
the texture maps of Gears 5 are broken. generally with the ending .b2tex1, .b2tex0 are converted with TexmorphGears in .dds format appearing completely broken, the problem only in the normal maps. Using TexmorphGears_BC7 the dds file cannot be opened. someone else has this problem, is there a way to solve it? -----ZOOM----
Normal Map broken Gears 5 content media

Jesús Alberti Toscano Flores

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