Geomorph Tool is a high-functioning 3D model converting, importing and exporting tool. It supplies support for 750+ game's 3D model file format including all of the games' from our Unarch Tool Unrivaled. It provides options like exporting the model to whichever format do you want or directly import into the blender. Also it has a 3D viewport in it so you can view it on the fly before you decide to export/import it.

Patches and FAQ V2

October 18th 2021
Hello dear ALP followers, today we're here to explain to you what comes and goes with the long waited big patches
for UnArch, Geomorph, and Texmorph Tools.
But before we get to that, we have some things that we want to talk about.
Our first announcement is for passionate gamers who are into 3D printing stuff.
Soon, we'll start a Kickstarter project that will include bust 3D models of beloved game and movie characters which
is on our minds for quite a while. And in the meantime, all of the bust models that are included in this project will
be sold on our website separately. We also would like to state that we'd appreciate every kind of support from you on that front.
We know that you're waiting for so long and we would like you to know that we update our tools with little patches for
months and will continue to do that besides big patches like this. Don't doubt that for a second, our tools will always
stay up-to-date.
Old announcements; "Explanation about necessary postponements" and "Status update about Unarch and Geomorph" are being removed to prevent misunderstanding and the addition date will be added to the other patch notes and faq pages individually.
Aside from all that, our website will be updated and renewed with a more user-friendly, meaningful, and useful design in a short time.
And now, it's time for our current tools and what comes with the latest update:
Let's start with the UnArch Tool
Accessibility and log-in problems are solved in a great measure
Connection library updated for those who having compatibility issues.
Ubisoft BF category name and extraction process change and improvements("Ubisoft BF" -> "Jade Engine")
Jade Engine *.bin output decompression support
Techland fixes and 3D model extension support
Techland Dead Island & Riptide Definitive Edition support
Removal of unnecessary/non-working games from the list
RE Engine fix for archives that are bigger than 30 gigabytes
Support for other RE Engine compression types
Bloodborne .chrbnd .anibnd parsing, essential texture("*.tpf") and model("*.flver") extraction support
Nioh and Nioh 2 G1M and G1T parsing and sorting support
Unreal Engine 3 *.xxx, *.tfc, *.upk fix and improvements
Code Lyoko Fall for Xana *.bf support
Fear 3 folder structure support
Lords of the Fallen *.pkg support
SpiderMan Edge of Time decompression support and category change("Activision" -> "Singles")
Shadow Warrior 2 decompression support and speed improvements
Unreal Engine 4 fixes
Avalanche *.arc/.tab fixes
Relic/Sega speed improvements
Relic/Sega category name change("Relic/Sega" -> "Essence Engine")
Prototype 2 name system correction and fix
Respawn Games 3D model output format change ("*.msh" -> "*.rpmsh")
Until Dawn *.core support(Category: Singles)
Dante's Inferno moved from Singles to Visceral category
Visceral Games rpak parsing and decompression support
Alphabetical rearrangement of the categories
Pokemon Battle Revolution output extension change("*.brdat")
Coraline *.wii support and fix
Sunset Overdrive output model extension change("*.model" -> "*.igmodel)
Gears 5 sound file format automatic conversion support("*.wav)
Gears 5 List Viewer Renovation:
-Separated sound files and regular files sections
-Folders support
-Multiple folder extraction support
-Automatic subfolder extraction support
-Automatic children file extraction support
-Duplicate file extraction support
-Case sensitive/insensitive switch button
-Legacy file viewer switch support
-Improvement on extraction speed
-Better sound extraction system
New categories, list refinements, and new additions:
Unreal Engine 3 new supported games:
-Batman Arkham Asylum
-Batman Arkham City
-Batman Arkham Knight
-Batman Arkham Origins
-Mortal Kombat X
-Mortal Kombat 11
-DMC Devil May Cry
-Painkiller Hell and Damnation
-Gears of War Ultimate Edition
-Outlast Whistleblower
Unreal Engine 4 new supported games:
-Back 4 Blood Alpha
-Aliens Fireteam
-Life is Strange True Colors
-Dead by Daylight
Oodle category renewment and new supported games:
-The Order 1886 *raw
-Death Stranding PS4
-Cyberpunk 2077 *.archive
HALO category renewment and *.map *.s3dpak *.ipak supports:
-Halo CE Anniversary
-Halo 2 Anniversary
-Halo 3
-Halo 4
ID Software category renewment and *.resources supports:
-Doom Eternal
-Wolfenstein Youngblood
-Wolfenstein New Order
-Wolfenstein Old Blood
-Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus
New Visceral Category(*.viv):
-Dante's Inferno
-Dead Space
-Dead Space 2
-Dead Space 3
New EA Motive Category(*.cas/.cat):
-StarWars Battlefront II 2017
-StarWars Squadrons
New PS Vita Category(*.pk/.pkh/.pfs)(MaiDump):
-Little Big Planet
-Soul Sacrifice
-Soul Sacrifice Delta
-The Last Story
-God Eater 3
-Fate Extella
New Remedy Category(*.bin/.rmdp):
-Alan Wake
-Alan Wake's American Nightmare
-Alan Wake Remastered
-Control Ultimate Edition
-Quantum Break
New Void Category(*.resources/*.index):
New experimental Call of Duty category(.toc, .pak, .ipak, .xpak):
-Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
-Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
-Call of Duty World War II
-Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered
-Call of Duty Modern Warfare
-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3
-Call of Duty Ghosts
Avalanche new supported games and category renewment(.arc, .tab):
-Generation Zero
-Just Cause 2
-Just Cause 3
-Just Cause 4
-Mad Max
-Rage 2
A little side note about the Hunt: Showdown; Game's encryption format has changed since the DeSalle update and the Unarch is currently incapable of extraction. We hope that will be a temporary thing while we work on it to re-adapt the compatibility. And in the meantime, for those who already bought the tool for the Hunt Showdown, we have a little workaround. Files before the DeSalle update are still extractable. If you have access to those files, you can use the tool on them. But if you don't, you can write us which file do you want, and we can send them through pm.
And now the Geomorph Tool:
Accessibility and log-in problems are solved in a great measure
Connection library updated for those who having compatibility issues.
Extension selection support while browse model file dialog.
Wireframe/Solid view options with "W"/"S" keys
3D Viewport navigation renovation
Cursed Mountain *.gr2 compatibility
Coraline *.cdat compatibility
Gears *.b2mdl fixes and minor improvements
Gears B2 static meshes scaling according to the bounding box
Avalanche *.hrmeshc fixes and speed improvements
Might and Magic Heroes IV *.gobj UV support
Unreal Engine 4 *.uexp UV fixes
*.umdl and *.mkmdl support for new Unarch supported UE3 Games
3D Viewport multiple submesh support
Beyond Good and Evil *.bin fixes and map meshes support
Separate obj file export support for submeshes
Pokemon Battle Revolution new *.brdat compatibility according to Unarch's multiplatform support for PBR
MTFramework *.mod Fixes
Asura Engine *.rscf material mesh split support
Lords of the Fallen *.fmesh model format support
Quantum Break and Control *.binfbx model format support
Unreal Engine 3 *.umdl material mesh split support
Unreal Engine 4 *.uexp material mesh split support
Techland *.chrmsh extensional support
From Software *.flver model format support
Mercury Steam *.sm3 material mesh split support
Relic-Sega *.whm model format support for Dawn of War expansion packs(Soulstorm, Winter Assault, Dark Crusade)
Halo Master Chief Collection *.tpl model format support
ID Software and Void *.bmd6model model format support for:
-Doom Eternal
-Wolfenstein Youngblood
-Wolfenstein New Order
-Wolfenstein Old Blood
-Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus
Visceral Games *.geo model format support for:
-Dante's Inferno
-Dead Space
-Dead Space 2
-Dead Space 3
Insomniac *.igmodel model format compatibility support for:
-Sunset Overdrive
-New Ratchet and Clank Games
PS Vita *.mdl model format compatibility support for:
-Little Big Planet
-Soul Sacrifice
-Soul Sacrifice Delta
-The Last Story
-God Eater 3
-Fate Extella
And finally the Texmorph Tools:
Console now lists while converts while converting multiple files.
New Texmorph Tool type; Void Engine *.bimage -With bitmap support -For Deathloop and Dishonored 2
New Texmorph Tool type; Visceral *.tg4d, *.tg4h -For Dead Space series, Dante's Inferno, etc.
New Texmorph Tool type; Techland *. -For Dying Light and Dead Island series
New Texmorph Tool type; Insomniac *.texture -Decompress and conversion support for Sunset Overdrive, Ratchet and Clank games -Use InsomniacBF for bigger files
New Texmorph Tool type; Remedy *.tex -For Alan Wake series including Alan Wake Remastered
New Texmorph Tool type; Silenthill *.syt -For Silent Hill Homecoming
Texmorph Unreal Engine 3 and 4 wider game support
General improvements for all of the Texmorphs.
All of the general tutorial videos are out right now, you can view them on our Youtube channel or their individual pages. Also, you can visit this page to view/download the files for the model extracted in the video.
For now, these are all of the news that we have besides a few other still-WIP things. Stay tuned for other small and future big updates.
1- What's the situation of the weights for GearsB2 games?
They're still a work in progress, if we were to give more technical detail, we've figured out most of the algorithm and we're working on its code implementation. Given our workload, we still prefer not to give an ETA to avoid any future disappointments and possible postponements.
2- What's Hunt Showdown's situation on UnArch?
Hunt's encryption format has changed since the DeSalle update and the Unarch is currently incapable of extraction. We hope that will be a temporary thing while we work on it to re-adapt the compatibility. And in the meantime, for those who already bought the tool for the Hunt Showdown, we have a little workaround which you can find right above.
3- Why's my personal ID delivery is taking so long?
The system that we currently use for dispensing personal IDs is often operating with delay. We're working on that too to solve it as soon as possible.
4- How can I make an extraction request from a game?
Right now you can reach us through live chat or e-mail for all of your extraction requests and we can inform you back with a price for your request. But in the near future, there will be an automatic system implemented to our website which you can easily place orders for individual extraction requests.